Wednesday 30 October 2013

Wallace Wattles - The Obscure Author Of The Science Of Getting Rich

Posted by Unknown at 13:57
By Michael D. Nolting

Although "The Secret" sounds as if all you have to do is envision what you want and then send happy thoughts out into the universe to get it, it's a little bit more complicated than that.Although I do believe in the Law of Attraction, I also believe that there is another "law" at work here, and if you really want to succeed, you have to follow this law, the "Law of Action." Another pitfall to avoid is wanting things for the wrong reasons. The unfortunate truth is that there are many successful people in the world who seem to have it all, and yet they are miserable and unhappy with what they have. You can avoid this by taking certain steps first.To have what you want in life, to be what you want and then enjoy it when you get it, you need an action plan. You can start on the road to success by asking yourself these five questions:

What do you want? If I had to pick one question that probably stumps most people, this one would be it. Most people really don't know what they want out of life, and so they just drift through life.If you really want to get what you want out of life, then you need to know exactly what that is. To be rich and famous is simply not enough. You need to be as specific as possible about what you want.Why do you want it? If you want to be rich and famous because you want to teach the kids from high school that they were wrong about you, then that's the wrong reason.If you want to be [fill in the blank] because you genuinely want to help others, now you're on the right track. Wallace Wattles says we can only give others what we have. Giving will only bring you more of what you want.What's holding you back? Do you have any attitudes you need to get rid of, like you'll never succeed because: you're the wrong color, wrong, sex, wrong size, wrong this, wrong that, you [fill in the blank]? Get rid of them. Attitudes like that will only hold you back, and they'll only be unnecessary obstacles. Why punish yourself like that?

However, there is only one downside of this book which is, it is a "psycho babble" from various aspects and this is not appealing to some readers. If you go through "The Science of Getting Rich" book, you will find that there is no exercise that will tell you on how to become rich or what sorts of investments you should do to get rich. The book explains that to get rich you have to go about your daily business and at the same time organize your day to day affairs in such a way that money can flow in. The chapter that was particularly appealing to me was the one on gratitude. Wallace in this chapter mentions that he is a firm believer in being grateful before acquiring wealth.

If you ask me to rate this book, I will give it a solid 5 because it is appealing and readable. It is also very true in its subject matter and one should have tons faith while going through this book.

The Science of Getting Rich - now here's a book that really hits the nail on the head. How many books have you read that claim to be able to make you rich but in the end all you get is lame old clichs like 'work hard' or 'early bird gets the worm' and stuff that you could see for free on plaques in offices? Not this book. True to its name, The Science of Getting Rich takes a scientific and practical look at the desire that every human being inherently has, even if he or she lives in denial. The book begins with an eye-opening lecture that tells us that there is nothing shallow or superficial about the desire to get rich.

Today, looking back at my formal education, it seems unfortunate that even after many years of public school, and many years getting three degrees at three different colleges, not once - not once - were Wattles' ideas ever discussed in school. Four years of business school and the concept of being a 'good capitalist' was never discussed. I'm sure that those two words were never mentioned in the same sentence during my entire time in college. So, when I discovered The Science of Getting Rich by Wattles, I was amazed and relieved that I had finally found someone that was willing to openly discuss and share the same ideas and concepts that I was struggling to understand as a young man. Someone that was willing to apply the ideas and concepts of being a good capitalist and a good Christian to his own life and business. I couldn't believe that this simple little book was not mandatory reading in my MBA program. Maybe his message was considered too simple and unsophisticated. Well, Wattles' message might be a simple one, but it is an important one. His message has endured for the last one-hundred years - and it will endure for the next hundred. And its a message that every American, and everyone that wants to live the American dream, needs to understand.

The main premise of The Science of Getting Rich is that there is a certain way of doing things. Rich people are rich because they are doing things a certain way, following certain unbreakable rules. There are indeed some unbreakable rules that all must abide by and these rules have withstood the test of time and practicality and if followed to the letter, they can make anyone rich. The author, Wallace D. Wattles talks about the importance of practical thinking.

The Science of Getting Rich is a successful self-help book and it is so popular that it can easily find its way in the future Hall of Fame of popular books. It has all the ingredients that are necessary for a book to be exciting, appealing and readable. Moreover, The Science of Getting Rich is short and to the point and it is written in a lucid and eloquent manner, so that the readers can easily understand what it is trying to convey to its audience.

Many times we do not see opportunities that are right in front of us because our attitude is wrong. Ask formless intelligence to show you opportunities that are around you, right where you are today. You may find new and exciting ventures have been there all along!It may take someone looking in from the outside to point out new opportunities to you. A mentor or a coach or even a trusted friend can often point out things you overlook. What you want might be easily within your reach, but you look right past it.

Another tool I have used to see things I would otherwise not see is photos. Take a series of pictures where you work or spend most of your time. Do you see things in those still photos that you don't see while you are walking through? Study them for a while, a new opportunity, you could not see before, just might pop out at you.Have you ever thought about what things you do the best and/or love to do the most? Is there a way to use your talents and abilities in your current position? Or a way to grow into another line of work that you can focus on doing what you love?Wallace Wattles also says: " If you are ever to begin to make ready for the reception of what you want, you must begin now."So what if you do not have the training or education to have the business you would love? Take action now and "begin to make ready for the reception of what you want". Get the training you need, learn what you need to know, start making connections with people who are doing what you want to do.You can not sit back and think it into being. You must take steps toward what you desire - you must take action.

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