Wednesday 30 October 2013

The Growth Of HR Over The Ages

Posted by Unknown at 13:56
By Franklin Skribbit

Harassment, specifically of a sexual nature, can be difficult to identify and define in the workplace. Sarcasm, innuendo, and suggestive insinuation have become a pervasive part of our culture and social interactions.

Dating in the workplace, or at least dating someone you know from the workplace, is complicated enough in its basic form, when both parties are interested, but when one or the other party is not interested in the relationship it can become uncomfortable, awkward, and even inappropriate. Social relationships in a workplace need to maintain a professional basis, and this can often be difficult when romantic or sexual relationships become a part of the mix.

Adam Smith understood that everyone had their specific comparative advantage just like nations do in the world. This meant that in order to truly optimize your workforce it would only be natural to use each individual according to their comparative advantage, skills, or in other words, what they were good at. This was the idea behind car manufacturing as people developed the assembly line.

Sexual harassment is defined by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission as, "unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature." Essentially, any behavior and conversation, unwanted or otherwise, that is sexual in nature and thereby creates a hostile environment is illegal.

The fight was really for the right to be treated as a social and creative human being and not a commodity. This may not be revolutionary to us today, but back then it was a fairly new concept as business had gone as far as to promote slavery in many nations.

One of the most important issues brought up by inappropriate relationships in the workplace, is the safety, or perceived safety of the employees.

When employees feel safe and respected, they are more likely to perform at a high level, and to be a happy and successful member of the team. Understanding how to report sexual harassment in an appropriate manner and forum is important for all employees in the workforce. This understanding can be gained through proper instruction and sexual harassment training.

This changed the dynamics of business as government now had to keep a closer eye on possible sexual harassment issues in the work place. This is the job of most Human Resource workers in an office. They handle claims and strive to maintain a safe and secure environment for employees.

Again, the key to being able to successfully handle these types of situations is to educate yourself. Seek out resources that will prepare you to respond with a level head and in a professional manner.

Sexual harassment training can be extremely useful in creating these kinds of environments. The safety and comfort of employees is extremely important to a productive team, and as employers it is vital to ensure that each of your employees feels comfortable reporting and inappropriate situation to you or their supervisors. As employees, also, it is important to feel comfortable making these assertions, and to be safe, happy, and productive in the workplace.

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