Thursday 1 September 2016

The Best Way To Handle A Motivational Keynote Speaker

Posted by Unknown at 12:51
By Christine Price

The pinnacle of every conference is the address by the invited guest. This speech makes a conference memorable by either setting the tone or crystallizing the theme. A motivational keynote speaker provides the signature address that defines the success or failure of a conference. How best do you handle the guest so that the address becomes successful?

Meetings adopt unique themes and organization. Expectations are also determined by the participants and the aim of gathering. These expectations should provide a hint of what is expected from a conference and thus guide you on the guest to engage. Find a person who resonates with the audience and is considered an authority in a particular field. The impact is greater when you choose an achiever.

A guest who withdraws or feels like an appendix of a conference will not deliver to your expectations. You need to brief the speaker in advance to enable him prepare the right content for the theme and participants. Guests should understand the journeys of participants and have personal encounters with them. It is from understanding their challenges that you can lift them through motivation.

Most speakers will have attended numerous gatherings and made fabulous speeches elsewhere. They are known for having a unique approach to conferences in terms of content and delivery style. They also have materials like books, videos, pamphlets, etc. While all these exists, there is need to customize the message such that it suits the occasion and audience. Avoid guests who use conferences to drive own agenda and in the process compromise your message.

To motivate people you must engage with them as close as possible. Find a speaker who is ready to come down to this level of engagement. It is through engagement that one identifies the needs of his audience. Organizations and employees are always on a journey. The speech should perfectly suit the situation that participants face in their daily life. Such understanding makes the engagement relevant.

It is wrong to make conferences exclusively about guest speakers. The activities and theme must revolve around participants. As such, insist on the guest spending substantial amount of time with participants. Let the guest listen to concerns and deliberations before and after making the speech. It is from personal stories that his speech will gather the mood and concerns of participants. This calls for a guest who displays genuine interest in the lives of participants.

Before engaging any speaker, you must agree on the fees, deposit payment and any other revenue arising from the meeting. The price tag for some speakers is very high. Others charge a reasonable amount on condition that they will sell their merchandise at the conference. These are some of the details to be discussed before entering into any contract.

Guests have a huge role to play in cementing conference themes and raising the profile of any gathering. The risk of a speaker taking control of proceedings through delivery or merchandise sale should be avoided. It is the organizers who retain ultimate control of the agenda of any conference. Participants must feel as though the conference is purely about addressing their issues.

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