Monday 29 August 2016

Information About Surviving The Grid Going Down

Posted by Unknown at 12:26
By Arthur Snyder

The unexpected can happen with little or no notice. The power system has been built to the highest standards possible but this does not mean that it cannot fail. Therefore, one has to have tips about surviving the grid going down. The most important issue is always emergency preparedness. One has to be mentally and emotionally prepared. There is need to have the right supplies. The seriousness of the emergency will depend on whether grid failure will be temporary or permanent.

The work of a human is not perfect. There is nothing like attaining perfection on earth. All machines and components can fail. Even the grid with all its amazing technologies can be affected by a serious fault. In most cases, mechanical faults are to blame. These are easy to fix and usually do not affect the entire system. However, some matters affect core functionality subsequently causing nationwide power failure.

A cyber attack can completely decimate a nation's electricity transmission system. This is because; it depends entirely on computer networks and systems. Therefore, a virus can affect everything and bring down the entire infrastructure. This will most likely be the machinations of foreign operatives. Large institutions have been hacked before. Therefore, the grid is not in any way immune. Hacking takes different forms.

In most cases, bad weather is usually to blame for a blackout. Undesired natural circumstances are usually very unforgiving. No one can tell with absolute certainty when Mother Nature will strike next. A typhoon can happen out of the blues and bring down many power lines. Before power is restored, many people will have to endure days of blackout.

Humans eat to survive. Without food, people simply perish. Adequate food reserves will last a family during an entire disaster. There should be no compromising on the issue of emergency food. The horrors that come with power failures demand that people be properly energized so that to survive the long days. Dry and canned foods are the easiest to stock.

Water is a basic necessity. A human being can survive weeks without food but only a few days without water. Water is the essence of life. It is needed so that to keep the body working perfectly. In preparation for future power failure, a person should stock gallons of water in safe containers. Water has a very long shelf life.

Having backup heating and lighting is a commonsense measure. For most people in developed countries, electricity is the primary source of energy. There is also need for a secondary source that will come in handy during emergencies. Kerosene and propane are recommended. Therefore, an individual should also have kerosene heaters and lamps. The house needs heating even during power blackout.

The world has many uncertain variables. Those who survive are the people who prepare for emergencies. Grid failure is not something preposterous. It can happen at any time. Actually, in the past, the grid has failed a number of times. There is need for a sensible plan for dealing with emergencies such as power failure. One should implement every measure highlighted on a plan.

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