Monday, 17 February 2014

Leap Out In The Sun And Feel Better As A Result

Posted by Unknown at 14:40
By Haywood Hunter

Although there has been a lot of information supplied to the public in recent times about the potentially damaging effects of exposure to light from the sun, its positive health effects are often forgotten. While it is never wise to stay in the sun so long that our skin burns, some exposure to direct sunlight can have very positive effects. By taking a balanced approach to being out in the sun, it is possible to enjoy several potential health benefits.

Perhaps the best known health benefit of being in the sun is that your body subsequently produces more Vitamin D. Many people who suffer from conditions associated with Vitamin D deficiencies, such as rickets, fall victim to the condition because of a lack of sunlight. Other conditions such as asthma and some cancers have also been linked by recent research to a lack of this vitamin.

The sun's rays act directly to initiate production of Vitamin D3, with UVB rays reacting with skin-based cholesterol to help the liver and kidneys manufacture the vitamin. This necessary process cannot happen unless we expose our bodies directly to light from the sun. Glass blocks out UVB rays, so sunbathing through a window does not have the same effect.

This means that taking a balanced approach to being in the sun can be very good for you. If you aim to be out for between a quarter and a half of an hour for four days a week, then you will be getting about as much as you need. Exposure to sun through glass does not have the same effect, because the glass blocks UVB rays.

The body will also never allow itself to overdose on the vitamin, as it has a natural, in-built resistance which kicks in when enough has been created. For the full benefits of exposure to sun, it is a good idea not to wash straight away with soap. This will strip away the skin's oils which help with the production of Vitamin D, so leave them alone for a few minutes after coming in.

Recent research from Edinburgh University also suggests that the health benefits of spending time in the sun may well outweigh the risks of contracting skin cancers. This research suggests that the rays from the sun can help to cut high blood pressure, as well as reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke. This has a significant impact on potential life length for many people.

UV rays were found by this study to release a compound called nitric oxide, which looks like it acts to reduce blood pressure. While more research is necessary to establish the exact reasons for this, it looks like light from the sun can offer more than just Vitamin D. Stroke and heart attack kill approximately 80 times more people than skin cancer in the UK, according to the BBC.

Exposure to light from the sun can therefore be seen to be good for you in a number of ways. It can keep your heart healthy, as well as ensure you have sufficient Vitamin D. If you are concerned about any specific health issue relating to the sun, consult a medical professional.

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