Thursday 19 December 2013

Traveling With Children Is Great, But Have Your CDC Travel Vaccines Strategy Ready

Posted by Unknown at 14:01
By Mitchell Jones

Traveling with your children is a great idea with wonderful benefits to both them and you. They get to see and otherwise experience life in other societies, cultural rituals and social mores and customs, which would not otherwise be available to them. And longer term travel opens the opportunity for language learning that will pay off for a life time. The fellow who said travel was the best school of all knew what he was talking about.

The benefits for parents, too, are immense. Only those who have had the experience can really understand how magical it is for a parent to experience the wonders of an exotic world through the enchanted gaze of their own children. Before you get there, though, we have to face the reality that parents do tend to worry; it comes with the territory. Certainly excessive and irrational worry is only a shame that deprives both you and your children of wonderful opportunities. That though doesn't mean that there are not constructive and wise forms of worry which can enhance such travel experiences. The best protection for your children is not only a benefit to their well being, but to your peace of mind.

So, while the tendency to over-shelter your children is a counterproductive one to which you should not surrender, your parental responsibilities do require the optimum preparation for the healthiest and happiest trip abroad possible. CDC travel vaccines advice should be part of that preparation.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, something in the area of 1.9 million American children participate in international travel annually. Furthermore, this number has been on the rise. So, this is not only a pressing personal issue, but also a more widespread social concern.

When traveling, children will face the same kinds of illness risks as do adults. The degree of risk is though greater for children. For instance, young kids are usually less reliable reporters on early onset symptoms. This requires greater parental vigilance, since often early detection can be important for optimum response. Again, especially with younger kids, contraction risk can be heightened by the fact that they tend to get into stuff (not to mention getting stuff into themselves, such as through their mouths) that others would not.

Many variables can be addressed when preparing for a healthy trip for your children. To start with, it is wise to do some preliminary research on the health risks associated with your travel destination. An important aspect of your preparation ought to be a sound vaccination strategy.

It is preferable for children to complete their full set of shots, including standard childhood vaccines, in accordance with a safe and cautiously paced schedule prior to overseas travel. This is important as many diseases to which children are not frequently exposed in the U.S. or other developed countries, due to herd immunity, can be much more prevalent and virulent in many less developed areas of the world.

Sometimes circumstances make it impossible to follow the prescribed vaccination schedule. If this is your situation, accelerated scheduling is available, but needs to be administered with care. You should closely consult with your family physician or pediatrician on such a plan.

In addition, of course, consideration has to be given to vaccines specifically targeted to potential illness risks unique to a given location. Lots of valuable info on these matters is available on the CDC website. Take note, though, that in some cases the preferred vaccines are counter-indicated for very young children. Consulting with a travel medicine specialist will be extremely important in evaluating relative risks to your children. Be sure to put your travel medicine specialist in contact with your children's pediatrician. This should be done early in the process, so that a sound strategy may be developed that addresses the unique needs of your kids.

The best cure is prevention and the key to prevention is education and preparation. There's no reason why anxiety about health risk should deprive your children the wonderful experience of travel, nor you the joy of observing their thrilling encounter with an excitingly diverse world. A little planning can open up a world of wonders to you both.

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