Friday 20 December 2013

Attract The Girl Of Your Dreams

Posted by Unknown at 14:12
By Grace Best

So you've met the perfect girl. She's everything that you've ever dreamed of and she's come out of nowhere. She's beautiful and clever and a lot of fun to be around.

It's frustrating when you find someone that you like or even love and he doesn't feel the same way. There probably is nothing wrong with you. It's simply a matter of attraction and understanding that men feel attracted to women for some very strange reasons. Beyond physical attraction, a man will fall in love with a woman, or you, because of some emotions that he will feel when he's around you. If you can recreate these emotions then a man will feel attraction and eventually love no matter what you look like or what your social status is.

Getting past that pain and those emotions just isn't as easy as people might lead you to believe. You want to get past the pain. You want to begin to live your life again but it seems that no matter what you do you're faced with these emotions day in and day out. Sure, you might have a good day or two but when you least expect it, those feelings come to the surface again and you feel like you're right back where you were before.

Dealing with your emotions over your breakup is very important. Regaining your feeling of self worth and your own self-confidence is necessary for you to function as a normal human being again. Ah, to feel normal again! Wouldn't that be awesome? It will happen for you. You need to know this no matter if you want to move past your relationship or if you hope to get back together with your ex. Getting rid of those feelings that harm us and replacing them with emotions that help you is a necessary step in your healing process and becoming the kind of person that you were before your breakup.

A man becomes connected to a woman when he feels good when he's in her presence. Simply being around her and being able to talk with her and be accepted causes a man to seek out that one particular woman. A woman that listens and supports a man emotionally will be more attractive than even the most attractive woman in the room. Being able to be himself without reservation makes him feel safe. Having the ability to be open with someone without worrying that he will be judged is very attractive. Being able to let his guard down and be himself is important to any man even if he doesn't understand this feeling or emotion.

Secondly, do your best to trust her and avoid jealousy and insecurity at all costs. Questions about guy friends, ex boyfriends, where she was or how she feels about you will destroy her opinion of you pretty quickly. Even if you know for a fact that she's seeing another guy or if one of your buddies is interested in her also, play it cool and don't even hint that you're jealous or worried about a thing.

Loving yourself, accepting yourself as you are is important. In this life there are going to be times when you will be alone. You have to be your own best friend. You have to treat yourself well and start doing things that are going to make you happy. This might mean something as simple as watching a movie that makes you smile and improves your mood even when you don't want to or treating yourself to a little shopping therapy. A quick trip to the store to buy yourself a present can prove to yourself that you love yourself. Before you laugh or think that this is ridiculous, give it a try.

Life is too short and when you find someone that you think is awesome and it seems like she's into you also, relish the moment. Live in that moment and try not to be your own worst enemy. Too many times guys put too much pressure on themselves and they wind up shooting themselves in the foot for their trouble. Be happy, be cool and enjoy getting to know her. If you're sincere and a decent guy she'll fall for you every bit as much as you've fallen for her.

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