Friday 22 November 2013

Understanding Your Liability At Home

Posted by Unknown at 14:21
By Maryl Joop

Liability insurance is often poorly understood among homeowners. Many assume that only business owners and employers need liability insurance, or that the possibility of somebody getting injured on their property is low.

Keep a Schedule

Be careful of breath stroke as it involves bending your knees. You will probably want to work on your flip turns to avoid having to stop at the end of each pool length. Something you can also do (depending on your knee issue) is high knee exercises in about four to five feet of water. The water resistance will soften any impact on you knee from your leg touching the bottom of the pool but you still get to exercises your upper legs and butt. Definitely make use of swim boards to get a solid leg workout in. Unfortunately swimming is not the most efficient calorie burn as the most you get is 704 calories in an hour (if you know butterfly you can burn 774 calories per hour).

Get an Umbrella Policy While you might have liability insurance, you could very well not have enough of it. For instance, a homeowner's insurance polity usually includes some liability protection. However, your policy will probably only cover a couple hundred thousand dollars of personal liability, which can often not be adequate.

* Food-As you eat throughout the day make sure that as you come closer to bed that you are not hungry and not overfull. Hunger or thirst may wake you for a midnight snack while being beyond full will probably guarantee you a trip to the bathroom as well as be hard to digest, keeping you up at night. * Nightcap-Make sure to avoid alcohol before bed. Nightcaps may make you fall asleep but they will likely wake you up later in the night as well as reduce your sleep quality. * Caffeine-Definitely a poor idea any time after lunch as the effects of caffeine last for hours and may end up preventing you from falling asleep. * Electronics-Not a good idea before you is going to bed. The light shining into your eyes will suppress your body's release of melatonin and using electronics will stimulate your mind rather than help you relax and prepare for bed.

I lighten the weight and lift my lower leg only 4-5 inches. This is still enough to stress your lower leg muscle and make you feel the 'burn'. Keep the weight low to prevent any injury and do 20+ reps using this small angle of movement. You can get your heart rate up while preventing your leg muscles from atrophying from lack of use. Other machines you can use include hamstring extension machines (which have little stress on your knee as your leg is moving backwards), stiff-legged deadlifts, and calve extensions.

Think It Through Although it is great to be educated about the liability insurance options open to you, it is even better to be aware of the state of your house and the accidents it might cause. While slipping on an icy sidewalk can be all but unavoidable, make sure that you recognize when your house is in need of repair and act intelligently.

Empty Your Mind

A typical exercise routine I will do includes: 1. Jump rope (5 minutes) 2. Pull-ups 3. Kettle bell straight arms lifts 4. Crunches 5. Pushups 6. Flutter Kicks 7. Inside and outside straight leg extensions 8. Planks 9. Modified leg extension machines 10. Back to Jump rope

Fortunately, you can become educated and ensure that your liability insurance is not only adequate, but fully covers almost any eventuality. So start now, and enjoy the peace of mind that a great liability insurance policy brings you.

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