Wednesday 16 October 2013

How To Beat Sugar Addiction

Posted by Unknown at 13:14
By Cecelia C. Dawson

Contrary to what many people believe, sugar can be as addictive as any drug. While you fortunately can't die of an overdose on sugar, you definitely can be trapped in a powerful addiction to sugar that you might find nearly impossible to break and that may take a severe toll on your health over the years.In fact addiction is a complex phenomena, involving both physiological and psychological components. When you respond to your sugar craving by eating sugar, the neurotransmitter dopamine is released in your brain in much the same way that dangerous and addictive drugs cause dopamine to be released. Dopamine is involved both in providing us with those little rushes of pleasure that make life worthwhile, but also in causing the brain to initiate movement towards the things that give us that pleasure.[]

If you're addicted to sugar, it's important to cut sugar out of your diet completely to give your brain a chance to recover, but going without your morning sugar hit might seem unachievable. You may be wondering how you can possibly get through the day without sugar, and how you will deal with the constant cravings. Fortunately, a program of vitamins, minerals and amino acids can quickly stabilize blood sugar, eliminate cravings and overcome withdrawal symptoms.Many studies have shown that chromium stabilizes blood sugar levels and reduces cravings for sugar and refined carbohydrates. In one study, blood sugar fell by nearly 30 percent in participants who took 1,000 micrograms of chromium picolinate per day. Sugar, alcohol and white flour all reduce the absorption of chromium in the body and this creates a vicious cycle - high sugar intake causes chromium deficiency, which contributes to blood sugar problems and exacerbates cravings for sugar. Chromium supplements can build up chromium levels and interrupt the vicious cycle.

I've struggled with a ferocious sugar addiction myself, an addiction which at times I thought I'd never beat. I literally used to break out in a sweat when I didn't get my sugar fix. At the height (perhaps I should say 'depth'!) of my addiction, I was consuming around ten chocolate bars a day. I couldn't seem to stop. But in the end I beat my addiction and in doing so gained control of my appetite. I went from thinking about sugar constantly to scarcely caring about it at all. Now I eat sweet things occasionally, but not obsessively. And when I find myself over-consuming sweet things again, as I sometimes do, I use the techniques I'm about to share with you to regain control.

There are two very important things you can do that will biochemically reduce your craving for sugar. If you have a severe and uncontrollable addiction to sugar (you feel you have to eat it every day and cannot seem to voluntarily stop), I advise doing both of these things for at least two weeks before attempting to cut out sugar.Those two things are:Eat fruit every day,Get the right type of exercise,Although both of these things may sound difficult in themselves, they are not as hard as they sound.Firstly fruit: eating a good-sized bowl of fruit salad every day for several weeks will really help reduce your desire for sugar. Fruits contain fructose, a form of sugar that is metabolised more slowly than ordinary table sugar (fructose) and therefore tends to lead to a more even blood sugar level. Refined fructose in itself seems to be worse for health than ordinary sugar, so don't be tempted to buy bags of it and add it to your coffee. But fresh fruit is overwhelmingly good for your health, and will definitely help you to beat your addiction.

You'll be surprised by how different you will feel after a few weeks of no sugar. Many people describe a sense of calm and balance, lifting of depression or anxiety, increased energy and better health, not to mention weight loss and an end to constantly feeling hungry. Next time you feel the urge for a sugar hit, reach for your l-glutamine instead and overcome your addiction to sugar.If you continually give in to your cravings and eat that donut, cookie, candy or other sweet product, it leads to a rapid spike in blood sugar followed by the inevitable crash which leads to even more cravings for sugar. Over time this sugar addiction can lead to serious health problems.

Sugar has no nutritional value but lots of calories and it goes straight to the bloodstream where it raises blood glucose levels, stimulates the release of insulin and contributes to weight gain. Overtime, it can lead to more serious health problems like heart disease, Type II diabetes and some forms of cancer.Sugar Is Hidden Everywhere.The goal in managing your addiction is to put an end to sugar cravings and eliminate hidden sources which are lurking almost everywhere. Sugar is relatively cheap and widely available which means it is added to almost everything we eat these days. Since the 1970's, the sugar content in processed food has nearly doubled. It is found in condiments like barbecue sauce, catsup, salad dressings and pasta sauce. Unless you read the labels, you may never realize how much sugar you are consuming each day.

Good combinations to try for fruit salads are:apple, banana, orange,melon, grapes, banana,Peach, orange, melon Don't be tempted to use canned fruit. For reasons that I don't understand, it just doesn't seem to curb sugar cravings in the same way. And as for dried fruit -- stay off it! It is so high in sugar that it may make your cravings worse.You also have to be careful of fruit smoothies, which can be high calorie if mixed with cream. However, sometimes when I find myself back in the grip of a strong addiction, I like to use the 'nuclear option' of banana milkshakes to help get myself off sugar. Use a kitchen blender to blend ripe bananas with semi-skimmed milk. You can also freeze ripe bananas and blend them while still semi-frozen for a deliciously-sweet drink that tastes so good you won't believe it's good for you.Alongside consuming fruit daily, also consider getting aerobic exercise. Aerobic, or cardiovascular exercise ("cardio") has powerful appetite-suppressing and craving-suppressing effects. Amazingly, recent studies show that this type of exercise even causes parts of your brain to grow in size, leading to higher mental acuity.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, and is very similar to adrenaline chemically; it also affects brain processes that control movement, emotional response, and the ability to experience pleasure and pain. This explains why, when you're having a rough day, you turn to a plate full of brownies! The sugar in those brownies acts as a regulator which produces "highs" that temporarily neutralize emotional lows!Before you wage an all-out war against sugar, you must know your opposition! You must also know that sugar isn't always labeled as sugar.

If you have a physical addiction to sugar, the best thing to do is to first start reading labels. Anything that lists dextrose, fructose, glucose, lactose, maltose, or sucrose must be thrown out or at least removed from your reach. Also keep a look out for any ingredient lists with the word "syrup" in it. Those are all sugar.You must get your mind prepared, because your body may experience some symptoms of withdrawal. If your mind is set, then you will overcome your addiction to sugar. The length of time it takes to fully detox depends on each individual person. Most experts say that a body will lose its cravings for sugar after having been without sugar for 4 full days. Here are some tips to get you through this temporary rough patch:

To help deal with your cravings psychologically, try to replace your regular sugar consumption with doing something else enjoyable instead. Watch TV or play computer games if you have to; do whatever you need to, to get through the first difficult couple of weeks of craving.If you are overweight, ask yourself whether you want that chocolate bar or you want to be thin. You probably can't have both. Don't allow yourself to think that you can defer the challenge indefinitely; recognize that your cravings have to be faced head-on. If you particularly crave sugar at certain times of the day, brace yourself for a battle.If you prepare sufficiently by eating fruit and preferably exercising too, you can reduce your cravings to a manageable level, then you can start winning your battle with your cravings. After a few weeks you won't even remember why you had such terrible problems in the first place.Change Your Life Scientifically.Break sugar addiction, lose weight, ditch your boss or move to another country.At Fascinating Experiments we discuss how to gain control of your life so that you can do the things that you want to do.Among other things, we look at ways of making money at home, how to get more money in your existing job, how to change career, and how to lose weight and increase your energy levels; with a focus on concrete steps you can take without spending any money and without signing up to dubious programs or buying dubious products.

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