Friday 18 October 2013

Christian Credit Counseling - How Consumers Are Being Ripped Off In The Name Of The Lord

Posted by Unknown at 13:09
By Denise N. Bates

When most people mired in debt problems think of Christian Credit Counseling, they envision a safe haven they can go to and find debt solutions and spiritual solace. However, all too often, what many consumers are finding after they sign up with Christian Credit Counseling programs is a nightmare from Elm Street.Christian Credit Counseling Isn't What It Used To Be! - It's no secret that countless Americans are in serious financial trouble and maybe that's the problem. Debt laden consumers have drawn out of the woodworks a new generation of criminals and scam artists who have entered into the debt game with a bravado unheard of. Once they open their doors for business, they make promises they cannot keep and actually never intend on keeping. Promises such as being able to settle debts for pennies on the dollar, fix your credit and being able to put a halt to the debt collection process. To accomplish these incredible heavenly feats, they require large up front fees, management and processing fees and various other unexplainable monthly payments.

Everybody Can Get Help:Companies offering you consolidation programs, no doubt, are instituted with the primary aim to extricate fellow members from such unfortunate circumstances. They provide genuine help to the members of the Christian community who have come under heavy debt because of extravagant use of multiple credit cards. Most of the companies offer loan consolidation to help out the people reeling under debt burden. These companies offer loans to enable people pay off their complete dues, in one go. Thereafter, they have the people pay back the loans in easy installments.

Getting help from Christian credit counselors can be a great way for people to get help and to feel comfortable about doing it. But unless the organization is personally known to the consumer, it should be just as researched and investigated as a privately held debt relief company. Unfortunately, the addition of the word Christian to the name doesn't always mean that the service will be good.As seen in the news, there relatively no part of society today that isn't vulnerable to scams, and the debt resolution business has just as many as any other industry. It is up to the consumer to do their homework and start working with any company with their eyes wide open. It takes relatively little effort to look at accreditations and references, and it is something that there's no excuse for not doing ahead of time.

In the business world, the word Christian does not necessarily imply that the business is exclusively for the Christians. Neither does it have to imply that the owner is a Christian. Internationally, it has come to be established that when someone is authentically Christian, the person concerned can be trusted and would follow the straight path of integrity. Interestingly, there is hardly any other business area where the name of a religious group is prefixed. A country's specialty may be advertised by name of a country to draw customers who favor that country's products especially food, but the qualifying term does not extend beyond this.

If the company doesn't show up on any of those sites with a warning from other consumers, you most are likely dealing with a trustworthy company.UNLESS, they just opened their doors for business! If they are a new start-up, my recommendation is, "Don't take a chance!" You've got enough issues on your plate working towards solving your debt problem and adding a fake money grubbing Christian Credit Counseling company to your plate may be more than you need to handle.

By using a Christian credit counseling service, you will be joining forces with other believers who have a true desire to help. They are even likely to look at their services as a ministry to others, and as a way of serving the Lord's body, the Church. Your counselor is likely to be a trained professional with expertise in the field of accounting or a related area. There may be extra benefits this fellow Christian can provide, such as putting you in touch with a Church buying co-op, or other cost saving plans.

Once you decide to use a credit counseling program, you will need to gather all the relevant financial 'paperwork': bills, contracts, creditor's statements and bank and salary details. As your counselor goes through these with you, his trained eye may see ways to reduce the owings more quickly. His wider knowledge of available lending rates could be applied to some of your debt, and he will have some 'inside' advice. Learn from the tips he gives you, as this will help prevent some financial misstep happening again.

The best place to find this faith based service is online. The Internet levels the playing field and makes locating faith based services a breeze as along as you're using the proper search parameters. Christian consumer credit counseling services are also available through local churches, ministries and other non-profit organizations across the nation. Those who consult with a service will be met with a caring and compassionate counselor who will carefully evaluate their financial status and present a workable plan for all parties involved; both the debtor and the creditors.

Being in debt is not fun at all. Due to financial crisis in most parts of the world, many debt companies and christian organizations have increased tremendously since millions of people have been trapped with debts and can hardly leave in peace. However, it's very tricky when choosing the right company and you have to be very keen in order to avoid deteriorating your financial situation. If you are an individual or a parent struggling to end your financial difficulties but all in vain, Christian Credit Card Debt Negotiation is just the right place for you. Before you enroll, check with the Better Business Bureau in your state/country and see whether the christian debt solution you choose is legitimate.Christian Credit Card Debt Negotiation has many advantages compared to other debt solution companies. To start with, there are no up-front charges required unlike other institutions where you will be required to pay high charges. Counselors in this organization understand your situation and, there is no way they will increase your problems by misusing the little money you've been left with. Mathew 11:28-30 "Come to me, all who are weary and find life burdensome, and I will refresh you. Take My yoke upon your shoulders and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble of heart, your souls will find rest, for my yoke is easy and My burden is light" They follow biblical principles and offer free counseling program regardless of your credit report and debt accumulation.

Of course, not every case of being overextended is directly due to money mismanagement. Many times a sudden, unexpected financial crisis can take people by surprise. But even in these cases, the crisis occurs because a family does not have a savings 'buffer' with which to meet emergencies. So a long-term goal of Christian credit counseling is not only to see people back in 'the black' regarding debt, but to be proactive in money matters and use wisdom about accumulating savings, making sound investments, and having extra to give to needy causes.

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