Friday 28 December 2018

Ways Of Achieving Self Actualization Nyack Residents Should Know

Posted by Unknown at 14:09
By Kenneth Parker

Human behaviour is, to a large extent, influenced by wants and needs. Everyone in the world, whether rich or poor, will find a reason to wake in the morning in search of the desires of their hearts. Indeed, these desires are widely varied depending on individual circumstances. Abraham Maslow created what is referred to us the hierarchy of needs that are often represented in form of a pyramid. Self actualization is at the top of this pyramid. There are a number of characteristics on persons that have achieved self actualization Nyack residents may wish to know.

Self actualization may be defined as a star in which an individual has full realization of their creative, intellectual and social potential. Because of the difference in individual abilities that we all have this state is very personal and is not the same for any two persons. To pursue self actualization, one must first take care of their basics needs. These are physiological, safety needs, affection and self esteem in order of priority.

Not many people get to be actualized but among those that have been lucky enough to get to this level, there are a number of characteristics that are evident. One of these characteristics is that the individuals in question are courageous. They are not afraid of venturing into unfamiliar territory but instead want to be the first to pass through the unravelled path. As a result, they are able to exploit their potential fully.

Having a purpose makes the journey to actualization a lot easier. A purpose is simply a personal mission that one aims to accomplish while still on earth. The desire to get to the peak may be largely personal but a good mission is one that aims at improving the life of mankind in general. Once an individual identify their mission, everything should be geared towards its achievement.

Self acceptance is something that all that desire the ultimate fulfillment need to think about. Nobody is born perfect and our flaws are as many as they are varied. An individual on the path to actualization needs to accept themselves along with all their shortcomings. One should be willing to accept their inborn flaws and find ways in which they can perform optimally in spite of these challenges.

Having a vision is instrumental in achieving any given goal in life including the goal to become actualized. A vision is the compass which helps us to keep aligned to our destination at all times. It helps one to remain focused on the bigger picture and avoid unnecessary distractions. Such a high level of focus and personal discipline is instrumental in overcoming challenges that may crop up from time to time.

One should strive to focus on their personal growth instead of being content with the satisfaction of needs only. Personal growth usually takes time as it comes in small improvements every day. It is these small improvements that lead to perfection eventually. For this reason, the small victories should always be celebrated.

Actualization is the pinnacle need whose attainment is a journey. One only gets to this point when they maximize their potential while doing the best of what they can do. One can never use another individual as a reference for what it means to reach this peak. The different genetic characteristics and the variations in our environment shape our perception of what this pinnacle need is.

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