Sunday 5 March 2017

A Summary On Kennebunk Concrete Foundation

Posted by Unknown at 14:21
By Melissa Stevens

The durability and strength of a building is determined by the type of foundation it has. There are many types, but this article is only going to talk about a Kennebunk concrete foundation. Any building requires a strong base for it to last long. The size and thickness of the base is usually determined by the type of structure being constructed. This particular type is applicable in many more other instances besides construction of buildings.

Concrete foundations are of different and many types but here in this article are only going to talk about the three major types. Before erecting any structure, one has to consider certain things about the particular site of construction. These things include the prevalence of floods and storms in the area. The water table and flood zone should also be noted. Knowing these factors enables the best choice of base to be made that is also suitable for the area.

The first type is referred to as T-shaped. This is a traditional method and is commonly used in areas that are prone to the freezing of the ground. They are laid in a manner that the freezing does not affect the occupants of the building. They can remain comfortable inside despite the fact that the ground outside is frozen.

The Slab-on-grade is the next type of discussion. This type is mainly suitable for areas that are not prone to freezing conditions of the ground. Its construction thus involves coming up with a single layer of concrete and the edges are in most cases made thicker than the interior which is made of a single layer.

The final type is referred to as the Frost Protected. This type works well when combined with a structure that is heated. This is important because it protects the area above the footings from the frost conditions below it. It is as well suitable in ground freezing areas and thus could be used in the place of the T-shaped. It is also able to keep the occupants of a structure comfortable and free from the harsh conditions.

A concrete foundation is also important when laying the base for equipment such as an air conditioner or a furnace. These are units that require a strong base to be erected on for them to function properly. They ensure that the equipment is held in position and avoid moving due to their strong vibrations and the resultant impact.

There are many benefits associated with this kind of foundation. It gives the whole building enough strength to withstand the pressure of environmental forces such as strong winds. It is the strongest and does not weaken easily. It also enables the building to resist water seeping through. This enables the structure to remain warm and free from water which would cause damp and cold conditions inside.

The foundation is fire resistant, and the chances of it catching fire are minimal. Thus the building is free from a fire risk as far as the floor is concerned. It has design flexibility thus allows for different types of designs to be made depending on individual choice and taste.

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