Thursday, 18 August 2016

A Geogria Uncontest Divorce Is Easier For Everyone Involved

Posted by Unknown at 12:03
By Martha Butler

The heart breaking process of divorcing is an ordeal that more and more couples, and, of course, their children have to endure each year. Many religious leaders lament the fact that changes to the law has made it easier than ever before to dissolve a marriage. Couples are not, for example, compelled to seek professional help before finally ending their marriage. If there are no alternatives for couples in Geogria uncontest divorce is at least better than a bitter fight in court.

Contested separations can be extremely messy and in most cases there are no winners. Each partner will have to hire a lawyer to represent them. This can be extremely expensive. The court records are open for public scrutiny and couples in a contested separation can therefore not expect any degree of privacy. Contested cases are also often typified by aggressive behaviour and many negative emotions.

A marriage is a very special type of legal union that is governed by a number of rather complex laws. Before it can be dissolved, decisions need to be made on a great number of issues. Couples need to decide upon the division of liabilities and assets. Matters such as custody and visitation rights need to be agreed upon. Both partners have certain legal rights and in many cases prenuptial agreements complicate matters even further.

Even if a couple parts ways in the friendliest manner possible, it is still vital to gain advice from a professional such as a lawyer or licensed counsellor. All parties, including the children have certain rights and those rights must be respected and honoured. A lawyer can help couples to reach agreements that are both legal and fair. It is best to hire someone experienced in such matters and that has a reputation for discretion.

It should be noted that an uncontested separation is sometimes not the best option. Where one partner refuse to negotiate reasonably, where one partner had a history of abusing the other partner, where the children are neglected and where all communication between the partners have broken down it may be best to leave the matter in the hands of a judge during an open court session.

Even an uncontested separation can become expensive. Lawyers charge by the hour and their rates are not cheap. If both parties are reasonable, they will try their best to come to some form of agreement on most of the issues facing them before involving a lawyer. The lawyer will simply have to check the legality of the decisions made and to draw up a final overall agreement.

There can be no doubt that uncontested divorces are less traumatic and less expensive than those contested in open court. In an uncontested case the couple is unlikely to receive any adverse publicity because the final agreement is made an order of the court without either party actually appearing in court. As an added bonus, there is also much less stress on third parties such as close family members.

It is sad when marriages fall apart and statistics show that the divorce rate rises every year. However, if a marriage cannot be saved, the next best thing is to do whatever possible to make the separation as civilized as possible. In this way fewer negative emotions come into play and children are not as badly affected as they would be with a contested case.

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