Colonoscopy is a form of endoscopy that is used to investigate conditions affecting the large intestines (colon). The instrument used for the study is known as a colonoscope. Apart from directly viewing lesions, the procedure can also be used to institute therapeutic interventions. Some of the conditions in which colonoscopy may be indicated include inflammatory bowel disease, polyps, colon cancer and ulcers among others. There are some important things on colonoscopy Morrilton AR residents need to know.
The commonest reason as to why doctors recommend this procedure is screening for cancers and precancerous conditions. Persons that are at the greatest risk are those that have a positive family history especially in a first degree relative. The colonoscope is used to obtain specimens of suspicious tissues and these are later subjected to histological examination by a pathologist.
Since the procedure is quite invasive, one has to be adequately prepared before they undergo the same. Among the most important steps in the preparation is what is referred to as colon prep (or simply colon cleansing). To achieve this, one has to take laxatives for one or two days and remain on a liquid diet for the same duration. The entry of newer laxatives have reduced this time and the process can be started as late as the night before the procedure.
The general recommendations for the liquid diet include water, coffee, tea, gelatin and clear juices. Red and purple colored drinks, wine and grape juice should be avoided as they are likely to interfere with the appearance of the colon (and hence the interpretation of the test). Note that the liquid diet is likely to increase your bowel movements which will make you hungrier. You may also experience a bout of diarrhea.
The doctor will take a history and examine you just as happens with all medical conditions. Some of the information that will be sought includes your drug history such as your use of blood thinners and aspirin. These drugs increase the risk of bleeding and should be stopped about two weeks before you have the colonoscopy. Cigarette smoking has a similar risk and should be stopped as well.
The colonoscope us usually inserted through the anal verge and pushed upwards slowly as the colon is examined. It is re-examined as it is withdrawn. Some discomfort may be experienced as the colonoscope is inserted into the colon. A sedative drug is usually administered to reduce this discomfort. If you feel abdominal cramping as well, breathe in deeply.
The entire exercise takes about an hour. Complicated cases may last a little longer. For a majority of centers, the investigation is done as a day case in an outpatient center or endoscopy unit. The only time that you have to spend at the facility is that required for the sedative to wear off. Adequate re-hydration is needed to replace the fluids lost during the preparation.
Colonoscopy is both a diagnostic and therapeutic procedure. It can be performed on virtually anyone with very few complications if at all. The most common side effects include vomiting, dizziness and fever all of which can be easily managed. While a single test mat be adequate for most people, others require several of them.
The commonest reason as to why doctors recommend this procedure is screening for cancers and precancerous conditions. Persons that are at the greatest risk are those that have a positive family history especially in a first degree relative. The colonoscope is used to obtain specimens of suspicious tissues and these are later subjected to histological examination by a pathologist.
Since the procedure is quite invasive, one has to be adequately prepared before they undergo the same. Among the most important steps in the preparation is what is referred to as colon prep (or simply colon cleansing). To achieve this, one has to take laxatives for one or two days and remain on a liquid diet for the same duration. The entry of newer laxatives have reduced this time and the process can be started as late as the night before the procedure.
The general recommendations for the liquid diet include water, coffee, tea, gelatin and clear juices. Red and purple colored drinks, wine and grape juice should be avoided as they are likely to interfere with the appearance of the colon (and hence the interpretation of the test). Note that the liquid diet is likely to increase your bowel movements which will make you hungrier. You may also experience a bout of diarrhea.
The doctor will take a history and examine you just as happens with all medical conditions. Some of the information that will be sought includes your drug history such as your use of blood thinners and aspirin. These drugs increase the risk of bleeding and should be stopped about two weeks before you have the colonoscopy. Cigarette smoking has a similar risk and should be stopped as well.
The colonoscope us usually inserted through the anal verge and pushed upwards slowly as the colon is examined. It is re-examined as it is withdrawn. Some discomfort may be experienced as the colonoscope is inserted into the colon. A sedative drug is usually administered to reduce this discomfort. If you feel abdominal cramping as well, breathe in deeply.
The entire exercise takes about an hour. Complicated cases may last a little longer. For a majority of centers, the investigation is done as a day case in an outpatient center or endoscopy unit. The only time that you have to spend at the facility is that required for the sedative to wear off. Adequate re-hydration is needed to replace the fluids lost during the preparation.
Colonoscopy is both a diagnostic and therapeutic procedure. It can be performed on virtually anyone with very few complications if at all. The most common side effects include vomiting, dizziness and fever all of which can be easily managed. While a single test mat be adequate for most people, others require several of them.
About the Author:
To undergo colonoscopy Morrilton AR surgeon is the right person to turn to. Set up an appointment now by visiting this site