Monday 12 October 2015

Various Interview Questions For Job Seekers For A Fast Food Company Job

Posted by Unknown at 13:21
By George Dodson

One needs to develop a perspective that will help differentiate between serious candidates and not-so-serious ones at an interview for job aspirants who aspire for a fast food job. Questions in this list do not have an order of preference. The order in which you ask the questions will only be dictated by the circumstances in which you find yourself in. As a case in point, the owner of a famous food chain might ask whether the candidate has any idea of the location of his or her fast food restaurants as an opening question. Fast food joint owners who want to find people who will work cheap will enquire what the job applicant expects as his or her salary. Here is the comprehensive list.

Why do you think that this work is tough? The way the job seeker answers this question will tell you how mature the person is and how adept he or she will be at solving problems that arise.

What is your weakness? Candidates with little or no experience will not be able to answer this question properly. A few of the candidates may try to disguise their weakness by showing something else, say people with no accounting ability may try to point at way they tend to spend too much time with the customers.

Have you done any work in the fast food field before? Here you can filter off the real talent by finding which job aspirants have enough work experience. In the case of those fast food employers who want only new hands, this question serves to show which job aspirant fits the bill.

How many suggestions have you given and which ones were implemented? You realize how important this question is. Only those who have a true leaning for the fast food industry will make suggestions. Not everyone will have the innovative approach but the few who have will make a difference to any fast food joint. Did you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation with your teachers, friends or superiors? It is very rare to get a true answer here. Experienced hands will have gone through unpleasant instances many times in their working career and will tell you only those incidents that do not compromise their good standing.

Are you familiar with our hotel chain? Dedicated job seekers will have researched and dug up all the information about the company. Those who lack this information are not serious contenders.

Why did you select this particular company? For this question, money is the most common motivation and most of the candidates will truthfully give you that answer though there may be some who join for the love of working. You can judge the behavioral pattern from the way the candidate answers this question.

Is there anything special about you for us to choose you? Be prepared to hear all the wonderful qualities of the job aspirant including experiences and inspirations. There could be some innovative answers too from some of the brighter candidates.

What is your salary expectation? Of course, this question is purely rhetorical, in the sense that the answer does not matter in the end. You will get some wild answers too for this question. Again, this should not have any bearing towards the final selection but must be a way to judge the relative experience or inexperience of the candidate.

Have you taken up this job because you have to or do you do it to get some pocket money? People from the low-income group will do it for their family. Those who do it for their pocket money may not have the same degree of commitment. Then there are those who love any work related to food.

Those who prepare best, reap the sweetest rewards. Having gone through this list, you are now an expert in preparing for the interview and finding the best person for the fast food work. This questionnaire will also serve as a guideline for those who prepare to join for such a job.

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