Where does confidence come from?
Is confidence something we are born with or is it something that we can build into our lives over time? While it does appear that some people in this world are born with more confidence than others, I think that confidence is a character trait that we can instill in ourselves over a period of time.
Those who lose their confidence often never earn it back because they don't know what to do to when it comes time to building strong character traits. While it can be a tumultuous landscape to navigate, there is a way to bring confidence back into your life.
There are these little things I really like to call momentum builders that help you create confidence over time. Confidence, and the development of long lasting confidence comes from the activity of sweating the details, the tiny stuff, the things that most people often overlook. Why are these momentum builders important? Because when you can nail the little details down, and really knock those out of the park day in and day out, you build yourself some forward movement. You essentially get yourself out of the mud and heading in a direction.
Then, when you start to build some serious momentum from doing the little things right, you can raise the bar on your life and start going after bigger goals. Those bigger goals become more doable because you have the background and experience of doing all of the little things right. That's what confidence is really made out of. Confidence is built from knowing you can perform a task because you have done something similar before. Confidence comes from trust.
Sweat the small stuff. Sweat it because those are the things that are going to make you successful. Those are the things that are going to help you move forward on your climb up the mountain.
Lots of individuals get put off when they try something gigantic in life and fail. In reality most people will try something 3 times and then give up without ever coming back to it. But if you build some significant momentum, you'll have the confidence to try something over and over until you get it right.
The little things matter.
Focus on the little things. They will make the world of a difference.
Is confidence something we are born with or is it something that we can build into our lives over time? While it does appear that some people in this world are born with more confidence than others, I think that confidence is a character trait that we can instill in ourselves over a period of time.
Those who lose their confidence often never earn it back because they don't know what to do to when it comes time to building strong character traits. While it can be a tumultuous landscape to navigate, there is a way to bring confidence back into your life.
There are these little things I really like to call momentum builders that help you create confidence over time. Confidence, and the development of long lasting confidence comes from the activity of sweating the details, the tiny stuff, the things that most people often overlook. Why are these momentum builders important? Because when you can nail the little details down, and really knock those out of the park day in and day out, you build yourself some forward movement. You essentially get yourself out of the mud and heading in a direction.
Then, when you start to build some serious momentum from doing the little things right, you can raise the bar on your life and start going after bigger goals. Those bigger goals become more doable because you have the background and experience of doing all of the little things right. That's what confidence is really made out of. Confidence is built from knowing you can perform a task because you have done something similar before. Confidence comes from trust.
Sweat the small stuff. Sweat it because those are the things that are going to make you successful. Those are the things that are going to help you move forward on your climb up the mountain.
Lots of individuals get put off when they try something gigantic in life and fail. In reality most people will try something 3 times and then give up without ever coming back to it. But if you build some significant momentum, you'll have the confidence to try something over and over until you get it right.
The little things matter.
Focus on the little things. They will make the world of a difference.
About the Author:
Evan Sanders is a professional life coach at AYKME Life Coaching and writes articles about the experience of daily life on this earth. Make sure to check out these Positive Thinking Quotes and dive into some Be Happy Quotes to start moving towards those dreams.