Wednesday 16 September 2015

Instruments That Help With Sea Navigation

Posted by Unknown at 13:19
By Carey Bourdier

If you truly want to learn how to navigate a power boat or sailboat, there are plenty of skills you will need to learn and a great deal of terminology. Learning how to use a variety of navigational instruments also will be an essential part of your education. There are many modern and ancient navigational tools that are important for all sailors to be able to use.

Most sailors or boat captains will install electronic navigation equipment on their craft such as sonar and radar and perhaps even depth finders. A marine radio is another essential piece of equipment you will need to learn how to use. It takes some time to learn how to use these devices as well as learning about all of the common sailing terminology and how to navigate in general. Many seaside communities offer inexpensive classes that will teach you the basics as well as providing instruction in the water.

Of course, it's also very wise to have good navigational maps even if you are just doing short trips along your local coastline. If you plan on making longer journeys, it is good to have knowledge of many non-electronic optical instruments and navigational tools. Many of these tools have been used by sailors for hundreds of years and still come in quite handy today. The more you know about navigational tools, the safer you will be out in the water.

In ancient times, there were many tools used by sailors, and these tools still can be helpful today. The alidade is a type of optical instrument that will help you spot objects that are in the distance. You can then calculate measurements in relation to the object. Even large vessels, such as huge naval ships, will use an alidade known as a telescopic marine alidade. Often a theodolite can be used and this might contain an alidade and a sextant, the latter of which will help one measure the angles between two different objects. The sextant is helpful when you are using celestial navigation and using these tools and the night sky can be very helpful if you find yourself without electronic gear.

As you map out your course, you can use another device, known as a three-arm protractor, to help plot the way. If you aren't sure how to use the three-arm protractor or how to use navigational maps, be sure to get some training before heading out on your first journeys. A few other items to consider adding to your instrument list would be high-quality binoculars as well as a surveyor's compass. Obviously, electronic instruments can get you pretty far, but these types of instruments should be stocked in case of emergency.

Other equipment that you will need, and typically is required by law, includes life jackets and these need to be Coast Guard-approved life jackets. Throwable floatation devices are another important piece of safety equipment. You also will need distress flags, an electric distress light, pyrotechnic visual distress signals and fire extinguishers. Again, these all need to be approved by the U.S. Coast Guard. If you will be in the waters of another country, be sure you study up on their regulations, as well.

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