Wednesday 15 October 2014

Great Advice And Ideas About Web Design That Anyone Can Grasp

Posted by Unknown at 13:10
By Judie Sollman

With more people using the Internet now, any website that does not function properly is going to receive negative attention. As you continue learning about web design, your websites will begin to garner more and more traffic. Keep the size of your web pages small. A lot of modern web pages are full of unnecessary elements, including huge images, Flash advertising, and lots of AJAX. Many people, especially those in rural areas and other countries with less-developed internet infrastructure, don't have high-speed Internet and will have to wait forever for a large page to load.

Make sure your webpages aren't too long. You only get one chance to make a first impression, and if your most important content is "below the fold," it may not even be read. If you have a lot of related content that needs to stay together, consider breaking it up into sections and adding links to each section.

Web design is a subject that you always want to stay informed on. With this in mind, if you have any friends that are also into web design then you will want to keep in contact with them. You can exchange any new information you learn so that you're both on top of your game when it comes to web design.

Have a site map. These are useful to your clients and the search engines, as they give a detailed overview of your entire website. It can be a guide for viewers searching for a certain part of your site, and also allow you to keep track of its structure and layout.

Keep the sizes of your files and images small. Excessive loading times are a death knell for any site. The larger the files are that must load, the longer a user's load time is going to be. Most users will click away if the page doesn't start to load within the first few seconds of opening your page.

Your site should be able to be scanned easily. Most people do not read all the text on a website; instead, they scan for interesting tidbits. That's why it is smart to break your information into smaller, more easily comprehended chunks. Put important facts near the top of the page. This helps make sure that visitors get the information they need in the quickest way possible.

Choose your web host carefully. Some hosts require you to link to them, while others may force you to install their pop-ups. You should also test their performance using one of the many tools available for free online, as you do not want to host with someone who is consistently slow or crashing.

When designing pages that have links, make certain your links have text content. Links with content should be visible enough to show the viewer what they're clicking. If your links don't have text, they may not be helpful.

Now that you have read some advice about website design, do you feel able to handle this subject? If you do, great. If not, review this article and others like it, then go out and put what you've read to use.

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