Friday 24 October 2014

All About Juvenile Dependency Cases

Posted by Unknown at 13:30
By Young Lindsay

The reports about child abuse and neglect have been going up these past few years which is why many people have been taking them very seriously. It is because of the alarming rates that the courts have become much stricter with juvenile dependency cases. Now if one would want to have more knowledge about the processes and the people who are involved in these types of cases, here is some information.

Now those children who are still not legally recognized as adults are dependent on their parents. Whenever the parents are not doing their job properly and are abusing their children, the children can actually bring in the juvenile court. It is from here that a case may actually be built and that the child may actually not be subjected to abuse anymore.

First, the court will investigate the case along with a social worker to see the validity of the complaint. If the judge does find the case perfectly valid, then the court will send the victim to a foster care family and let him stay there temporarily. The foster care family will act as the official guardians of the victim temporarily up until the judge has already made his last decision on the verdict of the case.

Now just in case the original family of the child would want him back, the court may allow it to happen after an evaluation first. The social worker will work closely with the judge in investigating whether the home is a safe place for the kid. If ever the parents have passed, then the child will be sent back to his home.

Of course if the parents in the said evaluation fails, then the parents will not be able to take their child back from the custody of the foster family. The judge will then make something known as a permanent plan. Now this permanent plan will be the plan that the judge will have for the future of the victim of the case and where he will stay.

Now the social worker will be the one who will find the most suitable home for the kid. The social worker will first determine what kind of abuse the child is going through whether it is real abuse or neglect. From there the social worker will work together with the court to provide a good environment for the kid.

Now once the information is brought over to the court, the judge will be giving the final verdict. Now do take note that the word of the judge is the golden word simply because the juvenile court has no jury. So whatever decision the he makes will be the final one.

So if one would want to have more knowledge about these kinds of cases, here are some things to note. Now a kid may take his case to court if he feels like he is neglected or abused. That way, he will receive the appropriate justice and treatment he deserves.

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