Thursday, 10 July 2014

Prevention Of Medical Errors Course For Health Care Providers

Posted by Unknown at 13:23
By Coleen Torres

Health care providers usually make many mistakes of which some are due to negligence and some are just ignorance. This has caused so much mistrust from patients to many hospitals because of the many unnecessary deaths, corrective surgery due to the mistakes by the doctors, nurses. It is because of this that it has become necessary to attend prevention of medical errors course for heath care providers to prevent some of these unfortunate happenings

It is not possible for a student to cover everything necessary in class therefore it is always advisable to take short courses to learn more on how to prevent errors in the medicine field in order to become a full well equipped professional with the needed knowledge. This courses can be taken after completing your full course or even during the course because they can be taken online.

The objectives of this short study is to make them more knowledgeable to know how to prevent the mistakes that are made during medical care or even to prevent them from happening. With this studying, they are armed with the knowledge to correct the mistakes from happening and even educate the patients and their families on preventive measures and in-case of any corrective surgery or anything that has already happened they are taught how to prevent a re-occurrence.

Not having this knowledge might be like a disadvantage to the health care providers because in case of any mistake, they might lose their jobs or even be sued by the patient/the family. They might also have it always in their conscience that a patient suffered an irreversible situation or even died because of them. There can never be a case of negligence or carelessness.

The other objective that could also affect the medical professionals is that they could be sued by the patients family for negligence. The family of the patient also loose so much in that they will still have to pay for the mistakes of the service providers for things such as corrective surgery and even the time and money spent in the courts if they so decide to sue the hospital.

Having identified the many objectives we also have some benefits of the taking the short study. They are; it makes it easier for medics to identify a mistake and correct it effectively. They also do not only correct the errors but they also know how to prevent them. They can easily identify whether a patient is naturally sick or they have a problem due to the errors done on them before.

Benefits of the short study have also been noted. These are: - the medics can be able to identify ways of curbing the medical errors before they occur. The patients also benefit by the good and professional service they get from the health care providers, saving them from using extra cash by going for treatment again and they also do not have to seek for a second opinion as their doctors are fully equipped with all they need.

These short courses are usually ignored and not taken seriously by many not only medics but others in other courses too but in real sense they add knowledge and empowerment to an individual and the society at large.

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