Thursday 1 May 2014

Rubber Golf Tees Are Very Convenient

Posted by Unknown at 13:30
By Tracie Knight

Like any sport gold has a range of different items to help improve one's game. These items range from gold clubs to gloves. Often it's the small things that are over looked, like using rubber golf tees. Rubber tees' are a lot more versatile than the standard plastic or porcelain tees you can get.

Often the tee is considered the piece of plastic that holds the ball still, well that's the answer you will get from a beginner golfer. As you grow and learn the game you will notice different ways to play. Not only will you learn to adjust your stance, grip and swing, you will also look at what tee you are using on the course and in the driving ranges.

The conventional tee designed for just that, teeing off. This piece of plastic gets pushed into the ground allowing the gold ball clearance. This means when the golfer hits the ball there is less resistance from the surrounding grass and the ball travels more freely. A good tee off is often the deciding factor for that hole and often the set.

What happens at the driving range though, especially the indoor type? Here you cannot always place a tee into the ground as it is either a mat of a hard solid surface. Introducing the rubber tee, this allows for a tee off as the tee has a base which does not have to be sunk to be used. This versatile tee can be used on the course, in your home or even the driving range.

Technology has changed the face of many things in the golfing game. It has changed things like shoes with different stud profiles to give more grip during that swing. It has changed the style and grips of gloves to give a smoother closer feel to the club. It has also changed the way you would tee off. The common plastic tee will never fade away, but it does have some competition.

Although having the right equipment is essential, it is not the only thing that will get you to win the game. Hard work and training will always form the basis of any good sportsman. This means spending time on the driving range and on the golf course. If you are not putting in the time and effort to improve your game then you will not be as good as you want to be.

You can have the top of the range equipment and loose hands down every game you play, if you do not practice. Practicing is what has made so many sportsmen and sportswomen who they are today. Hard work and perseverance is all it takes. Everybody has the potential to be great, it's up to the individual to decide if they want it bad enough or not.

So, if you are practicing and pushing yourself to be better, it really doesn't hurt to get a little more equipment to get there a little easier. It's still recommended that you start out "old school". Learn the ways and get better at them, then use the updated technology to get even better.

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