Thursday 24 April 2014

How Video Games Helped Art

Posted by Unknown at 13:03
By Robert Sutter

On the surface, one would imagine that gaming - in and of itself - is actually a form of art. It's not hard to see why, as there is a sense of creative direction put into place and I am sure that many would be able to agree with such a point. However, is it possible that video games can actually help those who want to get into certain types of art, drawing and painting included? As past experiences have shown us, I have to believe that this is very much the case.

It's clear that there have been a number of video games that incorporated artistic elements into them and one of the earliest examples, in my view, was "Mario Paint." For those who do not know, "Mario Paint" was a Super Nintendo title from the early 90's and it included an actual mouse, which was cutting-edge at the time. The game itself included a number of smaller programs that included, but were not limited to, animation and music. It was less functional, yes, but it provided entertainment and educational value alike.

It goes without saying that, with the more recent series known as "Art Academy," Nintendo did not stop in its artistic pursuits during the 90's. For those who are unfamiliar with "Art Academy," it is a video game series that included many art lessons, which is important for those who simply want to get their start on the matter. One of the elements that I have noticed was that Nintendo was able to make the games surprisingly accessible for newcomers. Then again, this is one of the reasons why Nintendo's series are able to appeal to many demographics.

If you think that Nintendo was the only company to set its sights on art, though, you would be mistaken. While this particular entity is not exactly as prominent as Nintendo, the uDraw gaming tablet is still a recent addition that deserves to have attention brought to it. It is clear that this was made to be more of an educational device, especially when given the fact that SpongeBob SquarePants and Marvel, to name a couple of entities, have had games of their own released with it. Nonetheless, it can potentially provide budding artists with a strong starting point.

It is something of a lie to say that video games cannot provide people with assistance as far as art is concerned. The above examples are just a couple to consider and many of them have proven effective, as "Art Academy" was able to showcase. Of course, if you are someone who wants to develop a career for him or herself in art, maybe these titles have come to your attention. If they have not, perhaps you can benefit from becoming lost in these forms of digital media.

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