Monday 28 April 2014

Discovering What Astaxanthin Can Do For Your Health

Posted by Unknown at 13:53
By Deon Kedley

With cancer becoming more rampant these days, getting protection from antioxidants is a good idea. Getting enough antioxidants in your body can help it fight against free-radicals and give it a myriad of other benefits. And while there are many antioxidants you can lean on, none is more potent than astaxanthin. You can bet on the many health benefits of astaxanthin because it does a better job of improving your health than other vitamins and antioxidants.

Astaxanthin is classified as a carotenoid which is naturally-occuring in many sea creatures such as salmon, crab, shrimp, and lobster. It is this pigment that gives the aforementioned creatures their distinct flesh pink color. The muscle fibers of salmon have the highest concentration of this carotenoid. It is believed by experts that it is through the high concentration of astaxanthin that allows salmon to have the endurance to swim upstream in long distances. Even the famous Dr. Oz has featured the wonderful health benefits of astaxanthin in his TV show.

Majority of the health benefits of astaxanthin focuses on its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. In clinical trials done on athletes, their recovery times from strenuous exercises have become quicker than usual. And just like in salmon, athletes have reported increase muscle performance and endurance. Joint pain is another common inflammation and this antioxidant can be effective in relieving arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and tennis elbow.

Eye health can also be improved with the help of astaxanthin by improving visual acuity. Based on clinical trials conducted by Japanese scientists, this antioxidant can help prevent eye strain and reduce bleary-eyed feeling. When compared to other vitamins, it is 6,000 times more potent than Vitamin C and 550 times more potent than Vitamin E. People who live an unhealthy lifestyle such as smokers and those who are overweight and obese can get also benefit from its antioxidant protection.

Included in the health benefits of astaxanthin is its ability to give protection to a person's cardiovascular health. One of the culprits in cardiovascular diseases is LDL cholesterol and this is what causes clogged arteries. With the help of astaxanthin supplementation, buildup of this bad cholesterol can be thwarted and this can significantly reduce your risk for many cardiovascular diseases. Supplementation of this antioxidant can also improve skin health and reduce pimples, freckles, and other skin blemishes.

With sufficient astaxanthin in your system, you can be protected against the harmful UV rays of the sun. Studies have been done on surfers and it reveals that those taking supplements have less sunburn in their skin. Therefore it is like having a natural sunblock from within you. Slowing down a person's aging process is also possible with help of antioxidants such as astaxanthin and helps you to be several years younger while also moisturizing your skin, reducing wrinkles, and getting back its radiant glow.

Do you want a stronger immune system? You'll be glad to know that this is part of the health benefits of astaxanthin. It helps energize your antibodies to fight off infection. In addition, it can also stabilize your blood pressure, improve your reproductive health, and even enhance gum health. By getting sufficient dosages of antioxidants like astaxanthin in your body, you can also reduce your risk for degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

One of the ways you can take advantage of the health benefits of astaxanthin is by regular consumption of salmon. But it cannot be just any salmon, it should be the Wild Pacific salmon or the Sockeye salmon as it has the highest levels of astaxanthin. Since the optimal dosage for this antioxidant is 4mg, salmon consumption just won't provide it and therefore it is recommended that you also incorporate an astaxanthin supplement to meet this requirement.

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