Sunday 9 March 2014

Tips For Science Fiction Comic Book Authors

Posted by Unknown at 14:26
By Jaclyn Hurley

The genre of science fiction is very diverse. It can provide stories that can be camp and imaginative but also dark and subversive. Whatever the type of story you want to do there are some basic story structure principles you ought to learn before you write. With the right tips for science fiction comic book authors you will find it easier to write your stories.

The first thing to establish is whether or not you will be drawing the story as well as writing it. If you are going to draw it for yourself then you do not need to worry about the level of detail in the script as you are writing it for yourself. However if you are writing for an artist then you need to be aware of the level of the detail in the script.

Some people worry about this because they fear this will result in consciously or unconsciously copying ideas. This is why it is worth reading a wide variety of stories. This will then make it easier to get a story that is well constructed and borrows from a wide variety of influences.

There is also the issue of how much detail to include in a script. On a basic level you need to include any captions or speech bubbles. Remember to keep the text to a minimum. If you can tell the story with mainly images then this will work best. Any big speeches should be broken up as much as possible to keep the page engaging for the reader.

You also need to think about the artist. If you are drawing the story yourself you do not need to worry as much. However for an artist you need to take a balanced approach. If you do not provide enough description then you waste time by replying to inevitable emails asking for more information. However if the description is excessive then the artist can often feel like you are intruding on their role in the project.

A crucial element of this genre is to ask questions and discuss possibilities. Ultimately there ought to be a question or idea at the centre of the story that people will find interesting. One of the easiest ways to do this is to do a spider diagram in order to generate these ideas.

This will mean people do not spend too long reading speech bubbles. Remember the comic book is a visual medium!

In short if you want to write a science fiction comic book you need to be aware of the genre but also how stories are constructed. It is also worth looking online for scripts and sample templates as this will make it easier for you to write. With a sensible approach you will be able to develop your story and make it as interesting and engaging as possible.

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