Once you start marketing your business online, you will quickly find that you need a team. The next thing you're going to question is who you should hire, what skills they should have, and how you can build a team when you really can't afford to spend a lot of extra cash?
These are all great questions and in this video from James Wedmore, you're going to get the answers.
Building a team is Leverage.
They always say to model the behavior of those who are already where you want to be. Well, the top online business owners have built teams. It may also move you to build your own team when you discover that almost without exception, all of these top business owners credit the building of a team as a key element in building the success of their business.
Do you need a camera person to help you record video for your business? If you've ever made a video then you know that wearing all the video hats: script writer, producer, actor, and editor can be exhausting.
Even though that's true, even the top video strategist doesn't recommend that your primary team hire be a cameraman.
Even though that's true, even the top video strategist doesn't recommend that your primary team hire be a cameraman.
Even though that is true, it is not recommended that you hire someone in the beginning to be a cameraman for the simple reason that you can probably recruit someone to help you for free, or a very low cost (like lunch!).
So what should this Virtual Assistant do?
What kinds of jobs or projects should your virtual assistant help with?
That's the right question to ask! The answer will be discovered when you take a little time to see what you currently do in your business.
The second thing you should do is assess yourself. We all have strengths and weakness. Learn what yours are. If you're not sure what that is, then you should take the Myers Briggs Personality Assessment to give you some direction.
Second, take the time to look at yourself and discover what your strengths and weaknesses are. Meyers Briggs is a wonderful test that you can take online to give you some direction. This will help you to decide where you should be spending your time (in your strengths) so that you can train or hire someone to handle the business items that are not your strengths (the stuff that drains your creativity and energy).
So there you have it; how to build a team where every hour is used to its full potential. Leveraging the time and talents of others will allow you to build your business and, most likely, allow you the growth and revenue to eventually hire that camera person and video editor!
These are all great questions and in this video from James Wedmore, you're going to get the answers.
Building a team is Leverage.
They always say to model the behavior of those who are already where you want to be. Well, the top online business owners have built teams. It may also move you to build your own team when you discover that almost without exception, all of these top business owners credit the building of a team as a key element in building the success of their business.
Do you need a camera person to help you record video for your business? If you've ever made a video then you know that wearing all the video hats: script writer, producer, actor, and editor can be exhausting.
Even though that's true, even the top video strategist doesn't recommend that your primary team hire be a cameraman.
Even though that's true, even the top video strategist doesn't recommend that your primary team hire be a cameraman.
Even though that is true, it is not recommended that you hire someone in the beginning to be a cameraman for the simple reason that you can probably recruit someone to help you for free, or a very low cost (like lunch!).
So what should this Virtual Assistant do?
What kinds of jobs or projects should your virtual assistant help with?
That's the right question to ask! The answer will be discovered when you take a little time to see what you currently do in your business.
The second thing you should do is assess yourself. We all have strengths and weakness. Learn what yours are. If you're not sure what that is, then you should take the Myers Briggs Personality Assessment to give you some direction.
Second, take the time to look at yourself and discover what your strengths and weaknesses are. Meyers Briggs is a wonderful test that you can take online to give you some direction. This will help you to decide where you should be spending your time (in your strengths) so that you can train or hire someone to handle the business items that are not your strengths (the stuff that drains your creativity and energy).
So there you have it; how to build a team where every hour is used to its full potential. Leveraging the time and talents of others will allow you to build your business and, most likely, allow you the growth and revenue to eventually hire that camera person and video editor!
About the Author:
Now that you have the tools, find out ever more about video marketing and how to build a team. The top strategies for your business can be discovered here: http://www.youtube.com/user/jameswedmore