One of the favorite stories parents used to tell their children was about a famous lumberjack named Paul Bunyan. Of course, Paul had a big blue ox named Babe. So popular was this tale that people designed restaurants around this theme in the Pacific Northwest.
Paul was nearly 20 feet tall and one thing he was good at was felling trees. Using your imagination, you can see how easy a task it was for Paul. Of course those who chop down trees these days are not 20 feet tall and they do not create lakes to water their livestock.
Felling trees requires that you master the art and technicality of it. You don't grab the axe and head for the forest. Trees come in all sizes. You don't want to be chopping on a giant fir tree with an axe. Doing the above will take lot of your time and energy with poor results. How do you go about chopping a tree?
The first thing to realize is that trees can be very dangerous when you want to do more than simply looking at them. The reason behind loggers wearing special boots is that trees depending on their sizes can become wet and slippery.
Most trees that you be interested in chopping down our large and weigh a lot. As they come down, they can cause great damage if they are not brought down in the right way.
Don the correct gear with a helmet being a necessity. A tree limb falling from 30 or 40 feet can ruin your day quickly.
You need to make sure that you get the right tool for the right job in this case a chopping axe is preferred to a splitting axe. If you don't know the difference find out.
Decide on the direction where you want the tree to fall ensuring that it does not fall on people or property.
Begin by making a wedge on the side of the tree of the direction you want tree to fall. You want to wedge out small pieces, until you get a nice vee cut on that side of the tree. Next moved to the other side of the tree opposite of the vee cut and began chopping above that the cut on that side of the tree. Continue chopping out pieces while watching the tree. You want it to fall in the direction of the cut. That isn't always the case. If it starts leaning towards you, make sure to get out of the way. This is to say that you move clear of the tree stump. When the tree falls it can kick up on the end. If you're in the area, you could seriously injure yourself.
While your chopping the tree listen for a groaning sound. That means the tree is starting to give way and weaken. As soon as the tree begins to fall in the direction you want, clear away from the stump a safe distance until it is completely down.
Paul was nearly 20 feet tall and one thing he was good at was felling trees. Using your imagination, you can see how easy a task it was for Paul. Of course those who chop down trees these days are not 20 feet tall and they do not create lakes to water their livestock.
Felling trees requires that you master the art and technicality of it. You don't grab the axe and head for the forest. Trees come in all sizes. You don't want to be chopping on a giant fir tree with an axe. Doing the above will take lot of your time and energy with poor results. How do you go about chopping a tree?
The first thing to realize is that trees can be very dangerous when you want to do more than simply looking at them. The reason behind loggers wearing special boots is that trees depending on their sizes can become wet and slippery.
Most trees that you be interested in chopping down our large and weigh a lot. As they come down, they can cause great damage if they are not brought down in the right way.
Don the correct gear with a helmet being a necessity. A tree limb falling from 30 or 40 feet can ruin your day quickly.
You need to make sure that you get the right tool for the right job in this case a chopping axe is preferred to a splitting axe. If you don't know the difference find out.
Decide on the direction where you want the tree to fall ensuring that it does not fall on people or property.
Begin by making a wedge on the side of the tree of the direction you want tree to fall. You want to wedge out small pieces, until you get a nice vee cut on that side of the tree. Next moved to the other side of the tree opposite of the vee cut and began chopping above that the cut on that side of the tree. Continue chopping out pieces while watching the tree. You want it to fall in the direction of the cut. That isn't always the case. If it starts leaning towards you, make sure to get out of the way. This is to say that you move clear of the tree stump. When the tree falls it can kick up on the end. If you're in the area, you could seriously injure yourself.
While your chopping the tree listen for a groaning sound. That means the tree is starting to give way and weaken. As soon as the tree begins to fall in the direction you want, clear away from the stump a safe distance until it is completely down.
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