Saturday, 26 October 2013

Understanding Plastic Grocery Bags

Posted by Unknown at 13:55
By Lenna Stockwell

When we go to the grocery store, we are faced with many choices, not the least of which is which type of bag to choose. Should we choose paper or should we choose plastic? Lately plastic bags are the subject of much scrutiny, and many environmental groups have worked tirelessly to ban these bags from our stores. Some cities and even countries have passed laws against these bags. Before you decide which way to lean, it is good to understand some background information about these bags.

These bags are made out of plastic, a type of plastic called high-density polyethylene or HDPE for short. One controversy surrounding these bags is that they are produced using two important natural resources, petroleum and natural gas. However, it is noteworthy that the bags are not created from the actual petroleum or gas but from a waste product that is created when we refine these elements for use in running our vehicles and heating our homes.

In addition, some groups also cite a statistic that states it takes about 12 million barrels of oil to produce the plastic bags that are made each year in the United States. This is true and certainly sounds like a lot of oil, until it is compared with the average daily use of oil in the U.S., which is approximately 18 million barrels each day. So in the grand scheme of things, the oil needed to produce all of the plastic bags in the United States is less than we typically use for our vehicles and other uses during a single day.

This type of plastic is not just used to produce these lightweight bags but also a variety of other substances. Some products created out of HDPE include insulation for coax cable, bottle caps, fireworks, parts of snowboards, food containers and banners. Milk jugs are one of the most common items produced using HDPE. This type of plastic also can be recycled very easily, and it just requires that the consumer ensures that the bags and other items make it into a recycling bin.

HDPE is a type of plastic that is known as thermoplastic. This means that items created from HDPE begin with a sheet of thin plastic, which is heated and molded to create a specific shape. It can be molded to fit just about any shape and because it is highly resistant to chemicals, it provides safe storage for a variety of cleaners and detergents.

It is true that few thermoform plastics are actually able to degrade. However, they can be recycled, and most plastics can be melted down infinitely to create new bags, new water bottles and much more. HDPE is just one type of thermoplastic, but there are many more, such as acrylic and plastics with brand names such as Lucite, Styrofoam, Teflon and Mylar.

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