Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Create Interesting Spaces With Metal Garden Art

Posted by Unknown at 13:12
By Catalina Nielsen

A colorful, fragrant garden can be a place of beauty, serenity, and meditation. It can add not only to the interest and beauty of an outdoor space, but when properly coordinated with metal garden art, it can be transformed into a work of art. Such art ranges in appearance from small flowers, and birds, butterflies and bees, to angels, suns, or small wind mills. Art not only provides contrast to gardens, and outdoor spaces, but is also fun and creative to include.

Creative ensembles of birds, leaves, flowers, cats, fairies, elves, can all be added to outdoor spaces for a creative space. A burst of color from larger sunflowers create an interesting contrast to real flowers, as to do yard animals, imitation farmers, and other metal art people. Yard arrangements are fun and easy to create, and only takes a little imagination.

Many smaller pieces are perfect for flower beds, and decorative grass, while bigger pieces can be used to create contrast, illusion, and imagination. Bigger pieces can be arranged, and placed in the ground in attractive ways. Bigger pieces include art such as farmers in a yard, with barrels, or flower buckets. They can be arranged with other art, or simply placed by themselves.

In addition to scenes, metal ball trees can be placed in wooden planters and placed near other plants, or near an art arrangement. These trees are artful, with small glass balls, resembling small marbles and bulbs on Christmas trees. Branches bend in curl into an artistic arrangement of not only color, but also creativity, style and design. Blues, purples and other colors can be used. Other items can be placed on them, such as ribbons, or hanging bees, or butterflies. They can also be used as an outside decoration piece for holidays.

Ball stakes are also a colorful and artful way of decorating gardens. They are small swirling branch stakes, with colorful plastic balls. Ball stakes can be placed in gardens, amongst flowers, and grass to provide color, creativity, and a bit of interesting style.

Humming birds, strategically placed next to flowers, is also a creative idea. In addition mermaids, hula girls, light houses, and weather sticks are also perfect inclusions. Silhouettes also create contrast and creativity. Such silhouettes as girls watering flowers, boys collecting rocks, or other designs are perfect for outside spaces. They also add elements of illusion to spaces.

Poppies on stakes are not only fun, but will create a life-like scene all their own. When placed in a yard design, resembling a garden, they can create color, and bring life and sense of adventurous art to spaces. When used with other larger flowers, or garden art leaves they will create a space full of color, with elements of illusion. Not only that a boring space is now bursting with color, and interest.

Coordinate metal garden art into spaces, and use them in an arrangement to create a space individualized and full of dreamy colors. Many different ways of decorating exist so take time to decide how to use this type of art to design an outdoor space. No matter how they are used they will perfectly add life and color to any space.

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