Sunday, 27 October 2013

Acne Is One Of The Most Common Skin Diseases Found In About 85% Of The People At One Time Or Another.

Posted by Unknown at 13:09
By Mady Shafman

People search online for the best acne treatments available, only to be confronted with a plethora of varying opinions about what works and what doesn't work! Reading customers' reviews of the best acne treatments can also be a minefield of confusion, as one happy customer will rate a product with five stars, while another will complain that not only the product didn't work, it actually made their skin worse.

When considered the best acne treatment one should keep in mind that the best acne treatment for one person may not be the best acne product for the other. This is because the skin type of one person differs from the other.

For others acne can be a serious problem indeed. Acne can be serious enough to produce scars which, if left untreated, can be emotionally and psychologically distressing. These people certainly need active acne intervention, and the best acne treatments available.

However, when I did find the solution, it wasn't in the form of some sort of new skin care product. It was actually in a book recommended to me by a friend and acne ex-sufferer. He'd read a book called Acne Cured the Ebook, and followed the advice it contained. When he told me I was quite skeptical. I wondered if maybe he'd been trying a new product at the same time, or had changed his skin care routine.

Cleaning one's kin with glycerin soap and soft brush will help to cleanse the skin and remove the dirt from the pores before any infection sets in.

And remember that acne isn't a condition that is cured by a simple application of an acne medication. Acne isn't cured, it's controlled, it's managed. Acne decides for itself when it is finished. Up to then you need to be active in managing it. Once you body says "enough" then it's over. So the best acne treatments are treatments which need to be continued as necessary. Don't expect to just apply a treatment and "hey presto" no more acne. Sorry, it's not that simple.

As expected I didn't have miraculously clear skin in three days; even after a week my skin hadn't improved that much (although even in that short time my skin was less irritated, and it looked as if I had fewer new pimples appearing). Overall it was probably a good month before I could clearly see that the treatment was proving to be effective.

Acne creams are also widely accepted as one of the most popular acne treatment method. Using acne creams is quite easy - you can use it like any other face creams. There are several companies offering acne creams for people suffering from acne. Before you purchase any acne cream, make sure that the product is free from comedogenic elements, oil, and sunscreens.

So, in closing, what are the best acne treatments? See you doctor, then test and try until you find the one for you. Most of them work for some, and none of them work for everyone.

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