Finding the common cause of your damaged drywall is important if you've been stuck with carrying out drywall repairs from time to time. Doing this avoids encountering unnecessary disasters in the future. For professional help, you can always contact a specialist to repair your drywall immediately.
One of the reasons why your drywall cracks frequently is due to your foundation settling. Check the highest and centermost corners near your ceiling. If this happens from time to time, hire a home inspector to check your structural issues. The inspector will then recommend you to a structural engineer to make major adjustments regarding your foundation.
Mold and mildew can develop overtime if you keep your plumbing connections leaking. Do not let this happen since the air quality of your home will be affected if not addressed on time. Paint can wear off easily if you have a moist drywall.
In some cities, drywall is usually nested by swarms of termites. When this happens, you may notice having dirt tubes underground in the foundation or in your exterior walls. At this point, it is best to call a pest-control professional to look for other signs of termite infestation.
A drywall can look shabby and old once it has dents, bumps and holes all over the panel. Fortunately, you can simply repair this by patching a new piece of drywall over the damage area. Protect the wall from developing doorknob dents by using rubber stoppers.
You can repair holes by squaring it off with a razor blade. For small holes, slip a backer board behind the opening or attach back frames when carrying out large-scale repairs. Countersink the nails into the backer board before installing the panel. Cover the seams and gaps with a fiberglass mesh tape.
Apply a thin coating of joint compound over the tape pieces and let it dry. Repeat this process until the edges have been feathered out. Lightly sand the surface with a sanding block and wipe the surface clean afterwards. Prime and paint.
Knowing the causes of drywall cracks and how to repair can come in handy in times of emergency. However, you can still ask help from a specialist to learn more tips and tricks from the experts. Taking good care of your drywall is essential even if it breaks easily over a period of time.
One of the reasons why your drywall cracks frequently is due to your foundation settling. Check the highest and centermost corners near your ceiling. If this happens from time to time, hire a home inspector to check your structural issues. The inspector will then recommend you to a structural engineer to make major adjustments regarding your foundation.
Mold and mildew can develop overtime if you keep your plumbing connections leaking. Do not let this happen since the air quality of your home will be affected if not addressed on time. Paint can wear off easily if you have a moist drywall.
In some cities, drywall is usually nested by swarms of termites. When this happens, you may notice having dirt tubes underground in the foundation or in your exterior walls. At this point, it is best to call a pest-control professional to look for other signs of termite infestation.
A drywall can look shabby and old once it has dents, bumps and holes all over the panel. Fortunately, you can simply repair this by patching a new piece of drywall over the damage area. Protect the wall from developing doorknob dents by using rubber stoppers.
You can repair holes by squaring it off with a razor blade. For small holes, slip a backer board behind the opening or attach back frames when carrying out large-scale repairs. Countersink the nails into the backer board before installing the panel. Cover the seams and gaps with a fiberglass mesh tape.
Apply a thin coating of joint compound over the tape pieces and let it dry. Repeat this process until the edges have been feathered out. Lightly sand the surface with a sanding block and wipe the surface clean afterwards. Prime and paint.
Knowing the causes of drywall cracks and how to repair can come in handy in times of emergency. However, you can still ask help from a specialist to learn more tips and tricks from the experts. Taking good care of your drywall is essential even if it breaks easily over a period of time.
About the Author:
Learn more about drywall repair Seattle . Stop by Lori Philipps site where you can find out all about drywall repair Seattle WA and how it can benefit you.